When it comes to starting out or getting back into Boxing for Fitness, there is no doubt that you may already know of the benefits.
Although, boxing is a sport and requires a great deal of skill and coordination, the fitness side of boxing is unlike any other type of cardio. With this in mind when I first meet someone who is just starting out on learning the sweet science, I am far more engaged in coaching them from that level that a more experienced athlete who has had quite some experience before.
The best way I put it to a new member when starting out on the pads with me, is that we are going to be progressing together at the same pace. Now this is where is get’s really enjoyable to see things happen and from being a nervousness amateur, to a confident sticker which takes time and the right amount of guidance but with the benefit of confidence in power and precision thrown in.
If you’re just starting out and look for a Personal Boxing Coach, reach out and see how you can go with both skill and over all fitness.
Coach David